#Gpu z rog full
The best and the easiest way to check that your graphics card is operating at full PCI Express speed and is using all the 16x lanes is by using the GPU-Z, which is the best graphics card information utility. So, here I am going to list down the various factors that can contribute to this problem, along with their solutions or fixes. In some cases, you may have to live with this problem, because it cannot be fixed due to the faulty hardware. If you are lucky, then you can resolve this issue in minutes but if you are not then it can take a lot of effort and time to figure out the exact cause of this problem. Sometimes, the issue is related to hardware and sometimes it may be due to firmware and software, but in most cases, the issue lies with the hardware only. There can be several reasons that can lead to this problem, and in some cases, there is no definite answer to it. For example, in the image below, you can clearly see that the graphics card is only utilizing x8 lanes and is not working at its full capacity, which is at x16, even though the PCIe standard is switching from PCIe 1.1 to PCIe 3.0. The point of concern is when your graphics card is capable of running at PCIe x16 3.0 but is running at PCIe x8 1.1 or PCIe x8 3.0, even at full GPU load. So, if the PCIe x16 bus switches from PCIe x16 1.1 state to PCIe x16 3.0 as the load increases, then you don’t have to worry about it at all, because everything is working properly as expected. Normally, at low loads, the PCIe x16 bus runs at PCIe x16 1.1 and as the load increases, it goes to a high bandwidth state which is generally PCIe x16 3.0, assuming that your graphics, CPU, and motherboard supports PCIe 3.0 standard.